Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 4 and counting...

So today was day 4 in the hospital (Woman's Hospital of Texas). Today was OK. I continue to have the round ligament pain at times which are so painful. They monitor me for contractions frequently to make sure the pain is not contractions. Eating is hard. I think all the medications I am on are making me lose my appetite plus I am running out of room in my stomach. I'm trying though. I had some visitors today. I met with the CEO of the hospital. She is nice and even filled up my water jug for me. I was so glad to see my husband when he got here from work, but he is leaving again to go eat a nice steak dinner at Vic and Anthony's for his work. How lucky he his! I would love to go with him, but I know I need to stay in bed to keep these babies safe in me. Well I've made it another day here in the hospital. I know I have many more to go, but hopefully time will fly by.


  1. I remember those ligament pains. OUCH! But it will all be worth it soon!

  2. Do you have good health insurance?

  3. You are in good hands. The nurses at Woman's are awesome. That is where I was on bed rest. If you have Phyllis, Maria, Tracy, Alicia (NT), Sharon, Maiti, or Dorothy tell them that Kerra Serratt said hello.

  4. Hang in there!!! What are you doing to pass the time?

  5. I have been there and done that 7 years ago, i was on bed rest there for 8 weeks, feel free to e-mail me You couldnt ask for a better Dr or hospital.

  6. My water broke with my son at 16 weeks, and I spent quite a bit of time in the antepartum unit at Texas Womens. They kept him safe and he was born full term! I thought the food was pretty good and the staff was wonderful. I also gave birth there and had a few surgeries there as well. It's a great hospital.

  7. Hang in there hun- you can do this! Bedrest in the hospital is SO not fun, but it will be worth it. Get blessings whenever you can!!


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