Sunday, August 21, 2011

21 Week Update

How many weeks?  I'm 21 weeks.  Lately I've been feeling the baby kick more and more.  It's such an amazing feeling.  I really didn't get to experience feeling the kicks so much with the sextuplets because they were so tightly packed in my uterus.  I would feel some movements, but not like the kicks I'm feeling now.  I have been waiting for so long to feel this.  Its so exciting!  

How am I feeling?  Feeling good overall.  I'm definitely hungry a lot!  I'm trying not to eat too much.  I'm trying to keep my weight gain in the target of 25-30 pounds by the end.  I've had to remember that I'm not carrying multiples this time and can't just eat all I want or the highest calorie foods.  Sleeping is still going well for me.  I just don't get enough of it.  

Weight gain?  I've gained 12-13 pounds so far.

Doctors appointment?  None this week.  I saw my regular OB last week and all looked good (see ultrasound picture below).  I was suppose to see the high risk doctor for a high level ultrasound, but had to reschedule my appointment since the doctor was not able to make it into the office due to a delivery.   

20 weeks, 4 days


  1. I am glad all is going well and I hope it continues to go well for you!!!! I am sure Miss Rachel and Miss Hadley will LOVE being big sisters!!

  2. So GLAD everything is going well for you!


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