Sunday, August 14, 2011

20 Week Update

How many weeks?  I'm 20 weeks!  I'm halfway there!  I have to admit that I am getting more nervous as I get further along.  I want so badly to make it to full term and so far I'm doing great, but as I get further along who knows if a problem will arise that will land me on bed rest or in the hospital.  I will just keep praying that all will continue to go well.   I have been feeling more and more of her tiny little kicks.  It's so exciting!  According to babycenter she weighs approximately 10 1/2 ounces.

How am I feeling?  I have been feeling well and have not been feeling nauseous anymore.  Yea!!!  I'm still sleeping well.  I hope that continues.  I do have an appetite and am hungry most of the time. 

Weight gain?  I have gained 11 pounds so far. 

Doctors appointment?  Yes I have 2 this week.  I see my regular OB and the high risk doctor.  I will be getting another high level ultrasound with the high risk doctor as well as a regular ultrasound with my OB.  I look forward to seeing our little girl!

Cravings?  Not really.  I haven't experienced any strange cravings.  I do tend to want fast food which of course is not the healthiest.  I just try to keep it to a moderation.  I'm a dietitian so I shouldn't eat too terribly.


  1. Amanda, you are looking so beautiful! I understand your concerns as you get further along, but try not to worry too much. This time, it is only one baby and the doctors know you very well. This little girl is well taken care of, and she will wait until she is ready to arrive! This will be an easy pregnancy when compared to the previous ones. Lots of prayers going your way. Love, Claudia.

  2. You look GREAT!!! We continue to pray that all goes well with the pregnancy!!!

  3. It's a girl :) CONGRATS!!!!!! I'll keep you all in my prayers as get further along. This baby is already such a miracle; I've got so much faith that it will go well for you :)


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