I thought I better get this post done before he turns 14 months. Brandon turned 13 months back on January 14. He weighed 20 pounds, 2 oz. Since it has been a month, I can't remember all the little things he has done, but he has been saying ma, ma and da, da. He started this mid to late January. He can wave bye, bye and he also started clapping his hands (end of January). He is a little behind on starting these things, but I am so happy he is making progress. He is such an attentive and alert little boy. He likes to watch all that is going on and he especially likes people. He is a little flirt and loves to smile at people.
Physically, he is still army crawling, but is getting faster. He still isn't sitting up. It is discouraging but I know he will be able to do it eventually. I have to continue to be patient and continue to have faith....
So I was late with getting his one year old pictures taken but I did get them taken when he turned 13 months. So these pictures are his 13 month/1 year old photos.