Kayla is 22 months already! Didn't I just do an update on her turning 21 months?! Well here she is at 22 months. I am so thankful for her and love her so very much. She is the BEST little sister ever to her amazing BIG sisters. I couldn't imagine life without her or her sisters.
On October 9, Kayla weighed 23 lbs, 3 oz. She's now wearing 18 month size clothing. She is petite, but makes up for that with her personality! She is outgoing, loving, social, sweet and wild. When she is 2, better watch out!!! She already has the two year old personality going on.
Kayla continues to progress with talking. Her vocabulary is expanding and she is really trying to repeat words she hears. She is going to be a talker. She is also putting two words together. She likes to say "No momma". "No" is one of her favorite words right now.
Some of Kayla's favorite things right now are music, being read to, her mommy and her "be be". Her 'be be" are burp clothes that I used all the time when she was a baby since she would spit up so much. She has grown an attachment to them and has to have one with her almost always.
Kayla loves oranges (clementines). She can eat 3 small ones at one sitting. Kayla continues to enjoy eating though she can be picky. She prefers the not so healthy junk foods, of course. She likes her fork and spoon, but I still find her using her fingers to pick up her food a lot. It's quicker for her to use her fingers to get the food in her mouth. Smart girl!
Kayla also loves to play. She thinks its so funny when I chase after her after she has grabbed something she is not suppose to have. She runs and laughs the whole time. She can run fast despite her short legs.
Kayla and I have started going to a playgroup from our church on Wednesday mornings. She really enjoys the play time and being around the other kids.
Kayla loves to go "bye, bye". She gets so excited and squeals in excitement when we go somewhere. She also knows to get her shoes to go bye, bye.
Naptime and bedtime are a challenge. Kayla just doesn't want to take naps, but once I put her down and she fusses some, she falls asleep and sleeps for 1 1/2 hours. At bedtime I do the same routine with her every night - brush teeth, read books, say prayer and then into bed. She knows when I tell her its time to brush her teeth that bedtime is near. She fights me with teeth brushing, but then enjoys the books once I start reading to her. Kayla sleeps well and will sleep for 11 hours at night.
Kayla is so loving! She gives hugs and kisses freely (most of the time) and makes everyone smile. She is a precious little girl that has blessed our lives so richly. I thank Heavenly Father for her and her sisters every day.