Monday, February 25, 2013

Thank You!

Thanks to everyone that commented or emailed us regarding Rachel's hearing loss and the cochlear implant.  We really appreciate all the suggestions and advice.  It has been helpful!  We are hoping Rachel will be able to get the cochlear implant.  She is scheduled to get a CT scan of her ears on March 6.  If all looks good with her ear anatomy, then things will move forward to the cochlear implant.  I will keep you all updated on the status as it unfolds... 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Rachel's Hearing Loss

Rachel and her wild hair
Rachel recently had a hearing test called an auditory brainstem response (ABR).  This is not the first time she has had this hearing test done.  Her last one was done back in July 2011.  The test back then showed her hearing loss to be moderate to severe.  Well this recent test showed her hearing loss is severe to profound.  So basically she is really deaf.  Her hearing aids are not helping her to hear.  That would explain why she is not talking.  I had been suspecting that her hearing aids were not helping her.  We saw her ENT doctor and we all decided to move forward with getting Rachel a cochlear implant.  First, she is going to have to have a CT scan to evaluate the inside of her ear anatomy to make sure she is a candidate for the cochlear implant.  If all is ok with her ear anatomy then things will move forward to her getting implanted.  I'm grateful that there is the technology (cochlear implant) available.  I pray that her ear anatomy is good and that things will work out for her to get the implant.  It would be amazing for Rachel to be able to hear and benefit from it.  Only time will tell...

 I would love to hear of anyone's experience (good or bad) with the cochlear implant.  I need to prepare myself for all there is to know about it.  I have read some stuff online, but that info only tells me so much.  Thank you in advance.  You can either leave a comment or email me at


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

I have to admit that I LOVE Valentine's Day.  I just love the hearts and all the red and pink.  Plus the chocolates and roses are nice too!  Valentine's day has been a favorite of mine since a kid.  So I looked forward to this day and getting the opportunity to do a photo shoot with my girls in their cute Valentine outfits.  I just love having girls!  My sweet Valentine girls.

Rachel, Kayla and Haley
Rachel and Haley

Monday, February 11, 2013

Kayla is 14 months old

My little Kayla continues to grow up and is now 14 months old!  She is such a delight and I'm so happy she is here along with her sisters.

Kayla weighs 19 pounds, 6 ounces.  She now has 8 teeth.  She has made a lot of progress this past month. She is doing well with eating.  She is accepting more foods and is willing to try new foods.  I weaned her down to one bottle a day - the one right before bed.  That one will be tough to eliminate.  She is doing well with the sippy cup and is tolerating the whole milk.  She can even drink from a regular cup, but needs some assistance or she will spill.

Kayla is an active girl!  She gets into everything and explores everything.  She is walking faster - almost running!  She loves to ride her pony (as pictured above).  She waves and says bye, bye.  She likes to dance with her toy dog that plays the song "Who let the dogs out?".  

Kayla hugging her toy dog

 Kayla loves her baths and usually gets mad when I get her out.  She also loves to go outside for walks.

Thankfully, Kayla sleeps well at night (hoping I don't jinx myself for writing this).  She sleeps a good 12 hours or more.  She only takes one nap a day for maybe an hour.

Overall, Kayla is doing well and is healthy.  We are so grateful for this sweet precious girl whom we love very much!


Saturday, February 9, 2013

School Field Trip

Rachel and Haley went on their first school field trip Friday February 8th.  Their school along with many of the other schools in the Humble school district went to the Humble Livestock show for the special kids day.  Rachel and Haley got to pet a goat, sheep, pig, pony, bunny and a chicken.  They had a good time!  At the event, Haley got her picture taken for our local newspaper, The Humble Observer.  Here is the link to the online version of the Humble Observer Newspaper .

Haley and Rachel ready to see the animals
Haley petting a goat with her Teacher
Rachel sitting on the sheep
Haley sitting on the sheep
Rachel and Haley checking out the pig
Rachel petting the rabbit
Rachel and Haley petting the pony

Monday, February 4, 2013

Rachel & Haley are 3 1/2 years old!

 Rachel and Haley are already 3 1/2 years old!  They both are really growing up and making some progress.  Their progress is slow at times, but at their own pace they are getting it.  Both Rachel and Haley continue therapy (occupational, speech and physical).  They are going to a therapy center 25 minutes away from our home for their occupational and speech therapy, but its only 2 times a week.  So we are looking at going back to having occupational and speech therapy come to our home for their therapy.  Rachel and Haley need these therapies at least 3 times a week or more.  The more often they have therapy the better they are at making progress.  Despite the slow progression, Rachel and Haley are thriving.  They are loved and we are blessed!

Here is the update for Rachel and Haley:

Rachel:  Rachel has gotten so tall.  I don't know her exact height measurement, but she has grown.  She weighs 34 pounds.  Rachel is the lucky one as she gets the most of the new clothes since she is the biggest.  It's interesting that Rachel was the biggest of all the sextuplets. 
Rachel is still fed 100% thru her g-tube.  She just won't swallow food.  She will swallow a little amount of water.  Its going to take a while to get her past this challenge.  I pray for her everyday.  We hope we will be able to find an occupational and a speech therapist that will be able to help her.
Rachel is still not saying any words.  This is another challenge I pray about daily.  Rachel's severe hearing loss and the lack of her wearing her hearing aids are contributing to her not talking.  Rachel doesn't like to wear her hearing aids and it's so hard to get her to keep them in her ears.  Rachel also breaks her hearing aids often.  So that takes time to get them fixed.  Again with time, she will learn to wear them and hopefully learn to talk.
Rachel is doing well in preschool.  She is doing better with her attention span with tasks at school.  She loves the routine the teacher has for her.  Rachel is so observant and interested in new things.  She explores all she can.  She also watches what others do and tries to do it.  She tries to put on her clothes as well as her socks and shoes.  She still needs a lot of assistance, but she is getting the concept.  Rachel is a girly girl.  She likes getting dressed and gets excited when she gets dressed into a dress.
Rachel has a lot of energy and is so active.  She is still in the stage of getting into everything.  Rachel is a special girl with a beautiful smile.  She is daddy's princess.  She is 100% a daddy's girl.


 Haley:  Haley is a petite princess, but she actually has grown some in height.  Again I don't have her exact height measurement, but she is finally growing out of some of her 18 month pants and clothes.  Yes she is still wearing 18-24 month size clothes.  She weighs 25 pounds.  She may be tiny, but she is strong and limber.  Haley loves to climb on anything.  I really think Haley will be in the special Olympics one day.
Haley is doing ok with her eating.  She still doesn't like some soft mushy foods.  She prefers hard and crunchy.  Though she loves her Chef Boyardee meals.
Haley wears her hearing aids well most of the time, but she is not talking either.  This again will take time and something Thomas and I have to be patient with.  Haley's has moderate hearing loss, but her lack of vision has made things somewhat challenging for her.  Haley has been blessed to be able to have a small amount of vision in her right eye and be able to get around fairly well.  She does need some guidance though.  Haley will be getting a contact lens for her right eye and new glasses in the (hopefully) near future.  We have been trying to get into the doctor to get her contact lens fitted, but there has been issues with getting the authorization.  Eventually it will get done.  She will be able to get that contact lens and it will improve her vision.
Haley loves preschool and is doing well with the routine.  Haley also likes to explore and uses her hands to do so.
Haley has a wonderful laugh and smile.  She is a happy girl.  She loves her bath time and her toys.  She also loves to be outside and to swing in a swing.  Haley will go up to anyone and lift up her arms to indicate she wants to be picked up.  She is very loving.  Haley has a sweet little spirit.  She is both a mommy's girl and a daddy's girl.  
