Sunday, January 8, 2012

Rachel is walking!!!

Rachel is walking!!!  Rachel started taking some steps by herself mid December, but not too long ago she started taking many steps by herself.  She still falls, but is gaining confidence with her walking everyday.  It has taken her a while and it has been a challenge to get her to walking, but I'm so proud of her for doing it.  Rachel is full of determination and persistence and that has gotten her to where she is now.  Way to go Rachel!

Here is a video of her walking:


  1. My daughter started walking at age 2 years and 50 weeks. We thought that day would never come and I can remember the elation we all felt like it was yesterday. She's now 8 and runs, skips, rides a scooter and swings on play equipment like a monkey. Behind every amazing child/ren, are very special parents. Well done to you and Thomas on this very important milestone for Rachel.

  2. How exciting! Congratulations Rachel! Elaine

  3. Well Done Rachel! You are a star!

  4. FANTASTIC ! you have made my day little Rachel !! well done!!!

  5. This video has made my day! Great job Amanda and Thomas, you are the reason why the girls are making so much progress. They are blessed to have you as parents. Way to go, Rachel!

  6. This is a GREAT video and Rachel is so darn cute!!! Your family is so blessed to have these 3 beautiful girls in your home and your other children waiting for you on the other side.

  7. Yeah Rachel!! I don't get to stop by as often as I used to but this just made my day! They are so precious. I am not sure if I congratulated you guys on the birth of your beautiful youngest daughter!

  8. congrats rachel!!! if she walks more, she 'll walk better!:)


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