How many weeks? I'm 32 weeks and still going!
How am I feeling? I'm definitely feeling like 3rd trimester pregnant. I'm feeling bigger and I'm moving slower. My belly is feeling heavy, but I'm not even close to being as big as I was with the sextuplets. This is how big I was when I was 18 weeks with the sextuplets. Sleep has been getting a little more uncomfortable, but surprisingly I'm sleeping good most nights.
Weight gain? I haven't gained this past week. I'm still at 22 pounds total weight gain. No weight gain the past week surprises me because I've been really getting into the Halloween candy. I just can't resist all that chocolate.
Doctors appointment? I'm seeing my doctor weekly. Last week my doctor did fetal heart rate monitoring and contraction monitoring for about 20 minutes. The results were good. Kayla's heart rate was good and it showed normal healthy activity.
Baby preparation? We finally got a chest of drawers for Kayla's room. I was going to order one online, but I kept searching craigslist in hopes to find one and we finally found the perfect one. It matches the color of her crib and it's the right size for her room. We don't have a lot of room for furniture in her room since we have a full size bed in her room and we don't want to get rid of it or have any place else to put it. We plan on using that bed later. Slowly we are getting her room ready.
Kayla's room |