We have some wonderful news to announce - I'm Pregnant!!! I'm currently 12 weeks and due January 1, 2012. We were shocked to learn of this pregnancy back on April 29 when I took a home pregnancy test and it was positive. We feel so blessed! It is a miracle that I was able to get pregnant without the help of fertility treatments. According to doctors, the chances were very low for me to get pregnant since I have endometriosis, a blocked fallopian tube and PCOS. This pregnancy was meant to be and we are so excited. And this time we are only expecting one baby! The baby has a strong heartbeat and is growing well. I'm so excited to get to experience a naturally occurring singleton pregnancy, but it hasn't been smooth sailing as I have been having headaches, feeling nauseous, tired, and experiencing most of the other pregnancy symptoms. I'm surprised that I'm feeling so sick since I'm pregnant with only one baby this time. I thought for sure it would be a piece of cake compared to being pregnant with sextuplets. No matter how terrible I feel we are so happy, but I do look forward to finishing up the first trimester and moving on into the second trimester where I hopefully will feel better. Today I had a cervical cerclage placed since I do have a history of an incompetent cervix. I'm feeling ok, but just very tired since I had to be at the hospital at 5am! The cerclage was placed without any problems and we hope this will help me to get this baby to full term. I'm excited for Rachel and Haley to be big sisters. I know they will love their sibling when he or she arrives.
Pregnancy test on April 29 |
Ultrasound at 8 weeks, 4 days |
Ultrasound at 11 weeks, 2 days |
12 week belly shot. I'm already showing! |