The girls were able to spend a little time with Grandma and Grandpa Stansel this evening as they have finished their year and a half church mission in New Orleans. Grandma and Grandpa were on there way home to Austin today and stopped in for a little while to see the girls. It was good to see Grandma and Grandpa Stansel. We love them and are so glad they are home.
Rachel and Haley also had their monthly Synagis Shots today to help protect them from RSV. They will get these shots each month until the RSV season ends. Poor girls have to endure those shots for another 3-4 months, but they are worth it to protect them.
Both Rachel and Haley surprised us today. Our new OT got Rachel to drink 1/2 an ounce of formula from the bottle. This is a great accomplishment for her as she has not drank from a bottle since February 2010. It doesn't seem like much, but its great for her. Haley also surprised us when she drank 9oz of formula at her 7pm feeding. She has not drank that much for us before. Way to go Rachel and Haley! They are really making good progress with the help from the OT.
I love the new Christmas tree ornament I received in the mail today. I found this six peas in the pod ornament in a catalog and was excited to get it with all our sextuplets names on it. Our Christmas tree has many ornaments on it remembering all our children.
Here are some random pictures of the girls we have taken the past couple of days. We just can't take enough pictures.
Rachel in her cute polka dot outfit |
Haley loves touching her feet |
Sleepy Haley. She loves her little blankets. |
Sleepy Rachel |