Ashlyn holding onto my finger
We got to hold Rachel again this evening. Thomas actually didn't get to hold her when I last held her so this was his first time to hold her. Rachel is such a cutie!
Daddy holding Rachel for the first time
Haley is doing good as well. She likes to move around a lot. She is such a touch me not. She gets so red when she is bothered. She likes her peace and quiet.
Haley giving us a thumbs up
The latest challenge we are going through with them is that they are having some trouble going poop. Since they were so premature their little bowels are so slow. Both Rachel and Haley have been tolerating the breast milk, but we don't know where it's going as they have not gone poop lately. Hopefully their bowls will obtain a little more motility as they continue to grow and develop. The last thing we want is bowel problems. We will continue to take baby steps one day at a time. It seems like the whole NICU experience will never end, but it really has gone by pretty fast to this point. They have been in the NICU for 55 days with many more to come. We will continue to rely on God who can and does perform miracles. We will except whatever the Lords will is for our babies. We love them and will always love them.
what cuties! I will continue to pray for your babies, god bless
ReplyDeleteMy youngest son was in NICU when he was born, not nearly as long as your little ones, he was 6 wks early. But I remember the 1 step forward 2 step back days and feeling like a yo-yo at times with the ups and downs. Your babies are precious and I'm glad to hear they are doing so well.
ReplyDeleteAlways great to see pictures of the babies! It looks like Ashlyn has lots of hair!!!! Is it abnormal for them to not have pooped?? I can remember my little one only having messy diapers maybe once every other day when she was first Dr. said nursed babies poop less because their little bodies use almost every bit of the breast milk they eat. But preemies could be way different.
ReplyDeleteLol, I had no idea I'd be discussing poop this early in the morning :)
I'm so happy to see that each of the girls are doing better! You two have stayed to strong! I think we all know right where those girls get their fighting spirits from!!! :)
Praying for you always,
Christina McKinney
Oh what precious baby girls you have and such little fighters. The pictures are awesome and thanks for sharing. I continue to pray for your 3 little ones. Again, thanks for sharing your story about your family. Sherri
ReplyDeleteAmanda, first of all happy birthday!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day and many more to come. I love the pictures, the girls are looking prettier every day! They are simply beautiful! Congratulations! I keep praying for your family and I am very happy to hear that they are moving forward every day. From now on, they will tend to do better each day. Thank you for sharing these special moments with the people who care about you!
ReplyDeleteHave a special birthday! Love, Claudia
One of the many lovely blessings of your amazing gift of breastmilk is exactly as a previous post mentioned...their little bodies can use every drop with VERY little waste and it's much easier on their delicate systems than anything else would be...what an amazing superpower you have! Making the PERFECT customized nutrition for your little angels ;) MAJOR props to ya' Mamma! Keep up the good work of growing sweet, precious girls!
ReplyDeleteI am a friend of Michelle's from the inter net. I had a baby girl 1 lb. 9 oz. at 26 weeks. I sort of "know" what you are going through. Preemies are amazing! I am praying for your little girls. The pictures bring back lots of memories. :)
ReplyDeleteBrenda aka Taterknees
How adorable they ALL are - I love little Haley's thumb in that picture (so tiny)! Sending prayers your way! Hugs to you.
Michele Wallace
Happy Birthday!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat amazing pictures! You guys are amazing pillars of strength and faith having no doubts in God's plan for your life and the trials you face. What an inspiration to the rest of us. Thanks!
tiny little fingers holding mama's fingers -These little ones are a gift from our Heavenly Father. oh how you will treasure these photos. Hope you Bday was wonderful! love, Erma
ReplyDeletekatie mcpherson here {a friend of michelle stansels from new mexico}, just wanted to thank you for sharing your journey on a blog. i check your blog most everyday & am in utter amazement of the courageous mother that you are. i was so excited to see photos of your 3 beautiful princess stansels & awesome to see you & your husband being able to hold them. its amazing to see Heavenly Father perform such great miracles. thanks again for sharing. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Amanda!! Hope you have a great day!! We love you and Thomas very much. Ashlyn, Rachel and Haley are lucky to have you guys in their lives. we will continue to pray for them.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday. I am so happy for you all that the girls are having some good days in a row. I love the pictures you post. the one of her holding your hand is great as it shows how how truly small they are. Keep up the good work girls.
ReplyDeleteYour little girls are such fighters! They are coming along great. You are a wonderful mommy and are keeping great perspective through thick and thin. You're an inspiration to us.