How many weeks? I'm 29 weeks.
How am I feeling? I'm feeling good especially after starting off the week last week with a stomach virus. It started a day after coming home from the hospital. I was miserable. Its no fun feeling so sick while pregnant, but I made it through and it only lasted for 24 hours. I can tell that I'm in the 3rd trimester even though I have never before experienced a 3rd trimester. I'm having some back pain, mild heartburn at times and other annoying symptoms. Other than that I am enjoying Kayla's kicks and am so happy that I'm still pregnant. The weekly progesterone shots and the procardia medication are working well for me.
Weight gain? I've gained 2 1/2 pounds in one week. I have gained 21 pounds total.
Doctors appointment? I don't have one this week. Last week when I saw him all continued to look good. My cervix looks good and I was not put on bed rest. He was optimistic. That was a relief!
Baby preparation? Yes I finally finished the "I am a child of God" sign for Kayla's room. I still need to finish the one for Rachel and Haley's room. Its almost done. My mom is coming to visit me later this week and she is going to help me get Kayla's room ready.
The sign for Kayla's room |
Thought I would throw in this picture of my beautiful girls and I after church today. They are so precious to me. They looked so cute in their matching dresses.
My beautiful girls (Rachel & Haley) and I after church |