The girls seem like they are progressing very slowly from a developmental stand point though they are progressing which we are grateful for. They are doing some new things lately.
HaleyHaley has started putting her toes in her mouth. She is getting closer to sitting without assistance. She's not crawling yet, but we are working on that. She is such an active little girl and doesn't like to sit still. She is quick to roll over whenever we put her on the floor. Haley is "verbal" and loud. You know when she is near. I have tried her on some stage 2 baby foods and she's doing ok with them. She is still a picky eater, but I can get her to eat some veggies when I feed them to her along side some fruit. Haley is a very slow grower and is only 15 pounds 5oz. She is definitely short for her adjusted age of 10.5 months (<5 percentile). Despite what she has not accomplished yes, we are so grateful to the Lord for little Haley. She brings so much joy and happiness to Thomas and I. We just love and adore her, she is a happy little girl with so much energy.
Haley putting her toes in her mouth

RachelRachel finally got her glasses. Her glasses are definitely not thick like Haley's. She got a little scared when we first put them on her and she didn't seem to care for them, but the more she has been wearing them, the more she has accepted them. She does try to pull them off sometimes, but I think she realizes also that she can see better with them on. Rachel has really started to move much more lately. She is trying to crawl and is rolling all around the floor. We put her on the floor in one spot, we turn our back and then find her across the room. We are really having to watch what we have on the floor near her because she will grab anything and everything and put it in her mouth. Rachel is still not eating baby foods well. We have been trying to feed her everyday, but she just doesn't care for food in her mouth. She loves to put all kinds of things in her mouth, but when it comes to food, she doesn't care for it. All her nutrition is through her g-button. Her current weight is 17 pounds. Rachel is not sitting by herself yet. Rachel has also been more "verbal" lately. I'm sure it has a lot to due with her getting those ear tubes. Her hearing most likely has improved. We are grateful for all the different therapist who come in to work with her and Haley. We owe so much to them for their hard work with the girls. We are so grateful to have Rachel in our home. She brings so much happiness and joy to our family.
Rachel with her new pink glasses

Rachel trying to crawl

We are so blessed to have these beautiful girls. They are the greatest blessings to us. Thanks be to God for our sweet Rachel and Haley. They have been the greatest thing to happen to us.
Both girls with their pink glasses and helmets

Rachel and Haley both wanting the same toy. They are starting to interact more with each other.