The girls are 15 months old! I can't believe how time flies! My little babies are growing up fast. Rachel is working so hard at trying to crawl. She is getting closer to it everyday. Though she may not crawl perfectly yet, she is good at rolling from one side of the living room to the other side. She is moving all around. Rachel has also been so vocal lately. I really think that the ear tubes she had placed over a month ago has really helped her. Rachel is such a happy, smiley little girl. We are still struggling to get Rachel to eat baby food. Its going to take more patience, work, time and therapy to get her to eat. I hope it will happen sooner than later.
Rachel getting a break from the helmet and glasses. She is a happy girl! She has such beautiful blue eyes. I love them.

Rachel playing
Haley is doing so good at sitting with less assistance. She can sit without assistance for a short time, but she still topples over. She is getting better at it everyday. Haley is also doing so much better at lifting her head when she is on her tummy. She is starting to use her hands and arms to lift her self up while on her tummy. She wasn't doing this a couple of weeks ago. Haley is also eating so well. She loves her baby food. She is doing better at eating vegetables. I found a way to get her to eat the vegetables. I give her bites of fruit while I'm feeding her the vegetables and it works. She is so spunky and so cute. She keeps us laughing.
Haley sitting by herself

I took this picture while getting Haley ready for bed. She is sitting so well.

Helmet update: Both girls had a follow up appointment with the helmets. Rachel has been in her helmet for 3 months now and Haley for 2 months. They both are making progress at a rounder head. Rachel has 1-2 more months in her helmet and Haley has 2-3 more months. They have been troopers at wearing their helmets. They have done well with little problems. I do look forward to the day they can get them off and to the day they have round heads.