Another month has gone by and my baby girl is continuing to grow and learn. Kayla weighs 12 pounds, 11 ounces. She seems to be gaining about a pound a month. She is little and petite, but she sure has some cute chubby legs.
Kayla continues to eat small frequent formula feedings. She is just not a big eater. Kayla is moving toward sleeping through the night consistently. A couple of nights ago she went 9 hours straight! That is the longest she has gone.
Kayla loves her big sisters Rachel and Haley! She enjoys watching them play and smiles so big when they come near her. I can tell she wants to be on the floor playing with them. Kayla has been working on her tummy time though its still not her favorite thing to do. I usually put her on her tummy when the girls are playing in the living room. It keeps Kayla's attention on something other than being on her tummy. Kayla did roll from her tummy to her back on April 13. Way to go Kayla!
I'm loving her smiles, squeals and giggles. She has the cutest laugh. It makes me smile! Kayla loves to be held and is definitely a mommy's girl. I just love holding her. I will miss these days when she is older. She is just a delight to our family.
I fed Kayla rice cereal for the first time on May 9th and she did well. She didn't push it out of her mouth with her tongue like I thought she would. She seemed to like it, so I will be incorporating more rice cereal in her diet. Kayla is also starting to hold her own bottle though I still have to hold it quite a bit. She still likes to hold my finger(s) when she eats. I just love that!
Eating rice cereal for the first time |
Holding her bottle |