Thomas's parents, Grandpa and Grandma Stansel came for a short visit from New Orleans. They have been on a mission in New Orleans and have not seen the girls since December 2009. They were so excited to see them and they had a good visit.

The girls are doing well. Haley saw her eye doctor yesterday. He said that her right eye shows no changes. She still has a lot of scar tissue in her eye. It doesn't seem to be healing. Her doctor said that she may only be able to see shadows. We still have hope and faith that she will be able to see more than just shadows. Only time will tell. Her left eye as we have previously reported is detached and she won't have any vision out of that eye. Since her left eye is detached, it doesn't open as wide as her right eye. Her doctor is recommending a prosthetic eye cover which is like a contact lens that will help her left eye look more natural like her right eye and will help her left eye to grow. Later this month we will go for a consultation for this prosthetic eye cover. Haley seems to be getting closer to getting that tube out of her nose. She is now drinking 4oz bottles (4 bottles/day) during the day, but is still not taking enough to get the tube out completely. She is also still getting viagra (sildenafil) for her pulmonary hypertension every 6 hours. Having the tube makes it much easier to give her that medication. She pulls the tube out almost daily. So when she pulls it out we give her a break from it until she absolutely needs it. At Haley's last pulmonologist appointment the doctor said that her pulmonary hypertension has gotten 50% better and is getting closer to not needing the viagra medication anymore. I look forward to when that will happen.
Daddy and Haley goofing off

Haley touching her toes

Rachel rolled over!!! Unfortunately I didn't have the video camera ready. She rolled over unexpectedly. It always seems to happen like that. There have been many photo opportunities that I have missed due to not having the camera ready. I now have the video camera near by for when she rolls again. I will post the video when I get it.
Rachel and her beautiful blue eyes

Rachel sticking out her tongue. When she gets excited she sticks out her tongue.

Last week we tried letting Rachel taste some applesauce. She seemed to enjoy licking the spoon, but didn't like it when the spoon was put into her mouth. She is going to require a lot of therapy to get her to eat. Since she was not allowed to take anything by mouth for so many months, it will take some time for her to get the hang of eating.
Rachel wanted to hold the spoon as I was giving her tastes of some applesauce. I think most of the applesauce was on her mouth than inside her mouth.