The girls are 8 months old today and its their first Easter! They are growing and getting bigger everyday. We had mentioned in a couple of posts ago that they weren't growing enough, but according to the GI doctor, Dr. Krishna, whom the girls saw last week thinks they are growing very well and doing just fine. In fact their weight gain is a little too much. We are glad they are growing well. We love those cute cheeks, they sure do get kissed a lot. We are happy that they also continue to make progress developmentally. Each day I notice something new they have not done before. The girls are getting therapy through ECI weekly.
This has been a good past week. Rachel almost landed in the E.R. for the second time to have her G-Button put back in. She woke up Tuesday morning and we noticed it was not in. We kind of panicked a little because there is roughly two hours to put it back in or the hole will close up. We were thankful that the hole didn't close up. I was able to get the g-button back in, but we needed a new g-button because the balloon that holds the button in was leaking. Thomas sent a text to the pediatric surgeon Dr. Bloss, and not one minute later he called Thomas and told him to come to his office in the medical center and he would take care of it, and he did. Dr. Bloss is such a great surgeon, as well as a person. He just seems to care very much about our girls. In fact after he replaced Rachel's g-button (in between surgeries he was doing) he gave her a big kiss on the forehead. He is just a kind man. You rarely see surgeons who really care about their patients as much as Dr. Bloss. We are grateful for good medical care here in Houston for our precious girls. Haley had an uneventful week thank goodness. No special trips to the doctor for her. Rachel and Haley are doing well considering the rough start in life they had. We are so grateful and blessed. They are miracles and I remember that everyday.
This Easter day we give thanks to our Savior Jesus Christ, for He truly is our Savior. He came to this earth and gave his life in a selfless sacrifice so that we could obtain immortality and eternal life. We declare that Jesus Christ does live. It is on this day we remember the resurrection of Him who has conquered the grave, even Jesus Christ. The Savior has conquered it not only for himself but for all who have lived and who will ever live in this mortal life. This Easter season Thomas and I are so grateful to the Lord for providing a way to be reunited with our children that have gone on before us. We love him, we worship him, and we desire nothing more than to be more like him.
The girls in their Easter dresses
