The week has come and gone. Time passes by so quickly since we stay busy. The girls are doing really well. We are excited and happy with their progress at home. We are sorry we have not posted lately. Our Internet went down and we just got it repaired.
The girls had a fun week. They got to spend another week with grandma who stayed with us. They love her and will miss her when she goes back to Austin. They went on their first ride around the block in our neighborhood in the double stroller. I like to call the double stroller the "bus" since it is so big and heavy. Its good though to get them around in.
Rachel has had good week. Rachel is progressing. She loves toys that light up and make sound. She loves to be in her bouncer with the lights and sound going. Every time you turn it on she gets this big smile on her face. She is observant and loves to look around at what is going on around her. Rachel is growing. She is now over 12lbs. She is such a beautiful girl. We just love and cherish every minute we have with her. Rachel had a few favorite nurses in the NICU, one named Cathleen. We hope to have her over for dinner one night to reunite with Rachel. She loves Rachel, she just connected with her so well. We are grateful to her and all the medical personnel who helped our girls along in the NICU.
Rachel trying on her Eskimo hat. I was curious how this hat would look on her - too cute. Its too warm in Texas to wear this hat now.

Rachel smiling as she watches her toy light up.

Little Haley continues to make progress in ways and still needs some work in other ways. That is why we have many different people coming to help her like physical therapy, occupational therapy and ECI. She is a little behind Rachel in her weight. She is pushing 11lbs. The pediatrician suggested we increase her calories so we did. Haley is such a lovable little girl. She loves to be held and rocked. She usually is as content as can be when she is being held. We adore her and love her very much as we do Rachel.
Haley sitting up in the Bumbo chair. She is gaining some head control.

Haley without her glasses on.