So lots of stuff has been going on the past several months. I just hadn't had a lot of time to update this blog. Believe me I have been wanting to write. Back in mid June I took pictures for my friends dance show and have been working at getting all 900+ pictures edited. Plus I had all 3 girls home for the Summer which was stressful and busy. September has been crazy busy as well. Kayla started preschool on September 14 and I have been juggling lots of doctors appointments for me and this pregnancy. I have been putting off on writing this blog post regarding my pregnancy and baby boy since late July. We unfortunately got some unexpected and troubling news regarding baby boy on July 29 (17 weeks along). We found out on ultrasound that he has spina bifida. I have been having a hard time taking it all in and understanding why it had to happen since the diagnosis. My heart just hurts that we have to endure another trial and challenge like this in regard to another one of our children. My baby boy will have disabilities, mostly physically. His spine is open approximately at L3 or L4 which means he will have issues with walking in the future. He also has enlarged ventricles in his brain due to the open hole in his back. He will most likely need a shunt after he is born. He will also have to endure surgery to close the hole in his back when he is born. Other than that he is doing good. He is growing well and his other organs look great. I never thought we would get a diagnosis like this when I got pregnant with him. I was just hoping for another healthy baby born close to full term to join our family. I am trying my hardest to keep the faith that all will be ok. I have lots of fears and worries for baby boy and am hoping for the best outcome we can get. I love this sweet picture of his profile.
21 weeks, 5 days ultrasound |
He is a strong fighter already. He moves and kicks me a lot. I really enjoy feeling those movements inside my womb and am soaking it all in as this will be our last baby.
The good news is that I am 28 weeks. We have past that point of when I had the sextuplets (22 weeks, 6 days) and have gotten past the point of viability (24 weeks). I do have extra amniotic fluid and look much further along than I am. I am hoping my uterus will hold out despite the extra fluid and I will make it to 37 weeks. I am getting the weekly progesterone shots to keep my uterus calm and so far those seem to be helping. I have not been put on bedrest and so far the doctors have not talked about that at all so I really am hoping and praying all continues to go well.
27 weeks |
So Rachel and Haley don't seem to notice the pregnancy or understand, but Kayla is very excited to be a big sister and have a little brother.
We are excited to meet him too despite his diagnosis. We are praying all will be well despite the spina bifida. We are relying on the Lord to help us through this unexpected trial along our journey. We have made it this far and will continue the best we can and continue to endure.
Again sorry for the long break in my blog. I really do want to continue this blog and I will, I just have been having a hard time making the time plus I have been more tired lately due to this pregnancy. Stay tuned for more though! Thanks for thinking of us!