Kayla is 15 months old! Time for another update along with her 15 month pictures. For this month's pictures, I did a rodeo theme since the rodeo is going on here in Houston, Texas.
At her 15 month check up, Kayla weighed 19 lb, 14 oz (10% ile) and was 28.75 inches tall (9% ile). Head circumference was the 3rd % ile. Weight for length she is 50% ile. So she continues to be our full of energy petite little girl. She is healthy and we are so thankful for that!
Kayla has gotten more teeth, but I've lost count. She is doing ok with eating. Sometimes she is picky and other times she will eat what I give her. She is willing to try new foods, but will let me know if she likes the food or not. Kayla also always wants to eat what I'm eating. She is interested in the spoon and we are slowly working on helping her learn to use a spoon. She loves her sippy cup with her milk. Really she likes any sippy cups. At church she likes to take other kids sippy cups from them.

Kayla has a lot of personality for such a small little girl. She wants to be the boss! She can throw a big temper tantrum when she can't get what she wants. She also screams when she can't get what she wants. I really want to stop that behavior! She is full of energy and gets into everything. She is a typical curious child. She likes other little kids and goes up to them. She has made some little boys cry already! She is just very friendly and other little kids don't always know how to take her.
I'm so thankful that Kayla has Rachel and Haley as her sisters. Kayla looks up to them and just loves them so much. She is playful with them. She is so happy when they get home from preschool.
Thankful that Kayla usually goes to bed well at night and continues to sleep through the night. She usually sleeps a good 12 hours at night.
Love the curls in her hair. |