The girls are going to be big sisters to a little brother come December!!! After having 2 miscarriages during the past 2 years this is another miracle for our family. We are so excited and are especially excited that it is a BOY!!!! It's going to be so different with a boy. Thomas is excited to have more testosterone in the house. I'm currently 12 weeks and we have already found out it's a boy by way of a blood test that can be done now to check for 3 different chromosomal abnormalities as well as the gender of the baby. I'm happy to say that the baby has no down syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities. Seeing that I'm 38 years old that was a concern, but we have been richly blessed! I do have a history of a incompetent cervix and will be getting a cerclage this Friday (June 26). I had this same procedure done with the sextuplet pregnancy and with my pregnancy with Kayla. We got Kayla safely here at 36 weeks, 5 days thanks to that cerclage. Hoping to make it that far or further with this baby.
So far this pregnancy has been somewhat different from my last few. I still have nausea, but its not as bad. I have had different cravings then last time. I have been wanting snow cones, popsicles and to chew on ice. I don't really care for sweet stuff right now either which is very odd for me. When these cravings started I knew we were having a boy.
I haven't done well at taking weekly belly pictures. I keep telling my self to do it but then another week goes by and still have not had Thomas take a picture of me. We did do pictures for our Facebook announcement. So here they are:
Its hard to read the dark red letting on the picture, but it says "Another Stansel Apple to Fall from the tree..."
11 1/2 weeks |